WOW-My very own Vid-Cast!

I'm so thrilled to be able to announce that the Vid-Cast Bonnie McCaffrey did of me at Long Beach last year has been released! Here it is! Please let me know what you think! I'm still walking on clouds!


  1. That was fantastic. I just love hearing you, as well as seeing your work.

  2. I just watched the vid cast! What a cool lady you are! And your art work is FANTASTIC!!! I'm a follower now! Your calligraphy just adds so much...I'd love to learn this technique (like I need another technique!)..

  3. Saw it. Loved it. Very cool! Way to go Stacy!
    Trish C.

  4. Very cool. Congratulations, Stacy!

  5. Outstanding work and your philosophy has rung a bell with me....
    I've got to try your calligraphy technique...

  6. Excellent vid-cast, Stacy!! Love the way you came across - well-spoken, relaxed and talented!!

  7. ...beautiful work Stacey.
    thank you also for "run your own race"
    Isn't that it in a nutshell?
    So well said.


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